We've been actively exploring this idea since the early part of the Covid crisis in the UK. It seems to be a really good way of bringing back face to face creativity and community when it is safe and prudent to do so.
We think now is the time to start testing the Hack the Lakes plans.
2020 and 2021 weren't the right time to bootstrap this thing due to uncertainties about the Covid situation. We think the best current plan is to start building some momentum through 2022 leading to an initial full event in 2023.
What we need to do
Engage with communities of benefit and validate the concept: will technical community attend, will local community want to support and provide challenges?
If yes, then we need a corporate structure to steer the event, under management of both communities.
Try out the site in an organic way in July/August/Sept 2022
Organise a few weeks of interaction this summer
Small number of people who are well engaged with aims and objectives: enthusiasts
Free to attendees for basic camping, just friends staying in a field
No huge commitment, can seed without vast cash investment
If Covid messes with us then we will react and adapt
Working with invited local community stakeholders to pitch capabilities, ideas, benefits
Figure out what will work, what won't
Review, reflect, plan for real thing in 2023!
How to contribute
Right now, this is the vision of one person. To succeed, it need to become a community curated event. We intend to run it on the lines of an Open Source Project, this means that:
Anyone can contribute, within a robust and inclusive vision supported by a strong code of conduct.
The goal is community benefit, for both the local communities in the area around Hack the Lakes, and global Open Source projects.
This website is in a public repo at https://github.com/aplisay/hackthelakes the subset of folks interested in the project who are comfortable doing so are encouraged to send pull requests to contribute, and raise issues to communicate work that needs doing.
Everyone with an interest is encouraged to get in touch, give us feedback, and tell us about your ideas or possible contributions using one of the options in the bottom section of this page.
The following input is especially important as we asses the viability of the pilot:
Individual hackers and makers who would like to come and be resident for a few days to a few weeks in the summer of 2022 to explore and showcase stuff.
Projects who want to support us
Local organisations within Cumbria that have a problem they would like us to work on, or could offer logistical, or just moral support to the project
Sponsors and supporters who would like to contribute materially to the project - see the
for more info about what is pressing here, especially with respect to connectivity
As soon as we have sufficient support and confidence to press the go button on a pilot year, forming a CIC to be the overarching legal entity for Hack the Lakes will become a priority and we envisage the steering board of this will be drawn from individuals and organisations engaged in the first few categories above.